Meet the Rookie: Cindy Wang

45052693_1594710967341983_839345886491312128_n.jpgCindy is a first year environmental engineer from Virginia, and without a doubt the weirdest member of this year’s rookie class! She can be seen at a tournament watching the frisbee ALL THE WAY into her hands to catch it (lol), befriending the other team to learn their secrets, or tripping over nothing.  When asked who she would want to be stranded on a desert island with she said she’d “take Tara. She’s athletic and apparently ranked first in the fight bracket, so she’d be able to help collect food on trees or kill wildlife. She’s also super quiet, so I’d have a lot of time to crack her and find out all her secrets.  Best of all, she seems to be nice and quite trusting, so if it ever came to extreme individual survival I would be able to kill her off in her sleep for food without worrying about her being suspicious or awake”- direct quote from Cindy. Clearly she’s though about this before haha.  Besides creeping her teammates out with comments like this, in her free time you’ll find her air drumming and Persian snapping (whatever that is).  Welcome to the team Cindy!